Standard single-run report    (printed, Excel file)

A typical printed report contains histogram graphs, statistics summaries, system performance data, and sometimes distribution tables.

Example of a printed report

XLSX-format reports present an overall summary on the first page, followed by a separate page of data for each active measure.

Large-format histogram plot    (printed, 1/2 page per plot)

The large-format graph shows details of the distribution better than the small plots. It can be shown with number, surface area or volume weighting, and with or without the cumulative line.

Comprehensive Statistics     (printed)


This report gives additional statistics, including harmonic mean and skewness, for all or part of the large data graph. Five cumulative percentiles are also listed. In the large plot on-screen, move the red-line cursors to select a subrange of the size axis, and click Statistics to bring up the Comprehensive Statistics report.

more info…

Correlation Plot     (printed)

Specify two active measures to correlate against each other, to get a better picture of how one measure changes as the other varies.    more info…

Single run Statistics Summary     (Excel)

This report lists selected statistical figures such as mean, standard deviation, mode, etc., for any or all active measures.    more info…

Multirun Statistics Summary     (Excel)

For this report, enter the run or sample names to list, the measures to include, and the statistical values to include.    more info…

Multi-run single-measure distribution overlay plot     (Printed, Excel)

You can view overlaid distributions of any measure for a specified set of runs, in this printed graph. The frequency table can also be exported to an Excel file.

Demo Video

This YouTube video is a live demonstration about using the various reports outlined above.

Particle Insight Data Reporting Video
Particle Insight Data Reporting Video (Espanol)