Particle size reduction is a routine method of increasing surface area and making downstream processing more efficient. It is well documented that particle size distribution (PSD) affects powder flowability. However, studies have demonstrated the limitations of particle size analysis – particularly in applications with irregular particles. Ignoring particle shape can lead to significant under-estimation of the mean particle size which leads to errors in PSD results.

Rare Event Particle Identification

Particle shape analysis is a perfect complement to size measurements using a world-leading particle size analyzer like the Malvern Mastersizer 3000.

The Mastersizer 3000 uses laser diffraction to deliver rapid, accurate PSDs for wet and dry dispersions. But laser diffraction assumes size via equivalent diameter, which is the diameter of a sphere with the same diffraction pattern as a particle under investigation. The problem therein is that not all particles are perfectly spherical. Coupling dynamic image analysis to the Mastersizer 3000 allows for a deeper level of insight than the numbers-based approach of a particle sizer will typically yield. 

In our case study, the Mastersizer 3000 was used to analyse the PSD of a sample with the Hydro Insight attached as an accessory. Our goal was to compliment the size information of the Mastersizer 3000 with particle shape data. We ran analyses of samples in tandem so that the PSDs of different samples corresponded directly to the relevant shape data. The volume-based distribution of the Hydro Insight predominantly supports the bell curve given by the Mastersizer 3000.. Our module allows users to determine the number of particles in a given range, and also to access the individual images of those particles.

Watch our video on rare event particle identification using this combined method of particle shape analysis and sizing:

Or, for more information on how the Hydro Insight provides a suite of additional data to help you understand your materials better, optimise method development, and increase confidence in product quality, simply contact a member of the Particle Shape team today.