CUSTOMER SUPPORT for Pi Sentinel PRO owners
Welcome to the Vision Analytical Product Support page. Our commitment to superior customer service extends to our website. Here you can find the Laboratory Analysis services, the International Sales & Product Support representatives list as well as and an exciting Repair in-house program to fix your instrument in factory.
Laboratory Analysis services:

Particle Characterization analysis laboratories are a critical resource for both material and product manufacturers as they provide essential third-party technical data and analysis services. Particle Characterization analysis is used to identify the size, shape, circularity, smoothness, and quality of the materials used in product development, manufacturing and in-service support activities.
The Laboratory Analysis service associated with Vision Analytical uses a Pi Sentinel PRO instrument based Dynamic Image Analysis. This is an independent service, using our instruments, to offer you the possibility of running your samples at a reasonable cost and effectiveness.
For more details click on: Laboratory Analysis services
International Sales & Product Support:

Our experts have many years working with Particle Characterization equipment used in different industries, Pharmaceutical as well as medical device environments. We also have trained our sales and service representatives from different countries to be able to provide the excellence in support you deserve.
For more details click on: International Sales & Product Support
Repair in-house program:

Vision Analytical has created numerous tools to help our customer. The Repair in-house program results one of the favorites due to the flexibility and the possibility to fix your defective instrument in factory. However, our experienced customer service team is also available for any questions and technical questions you may have.
For more details click on: Repair in-house program