
Chemical, polymer, pharmaceutical, and natural powders; toners, gypsum, food condiments; any sample whose particles do not conform easily with any of the other shape models, or for which data on surface roughness is needed.

Available measures:

  • Feret Width
    • Feret Width is the smallest possible spacing between parallel lines that contact but do not intersect the shape. Feret Width often agrees closely with sieve data.
  • Feret Length
    • Feret Length is the largest possible spacing between parallel lines that contact but do not intersect the shape.
  • Feret Aspect Ratio
    • Feret AR is the ratio of Feret Length to Feret Width.
  • Surface Uniformity
    • Surface Uniformity is a measure of the amount of local fluctuation in the particle cross-section’s perimeter. 1.0 means no surface roughness; lower values represent greater degrees of roughness.


Images showing Feret Length values


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