Set Up New Account

Thank you for selecting Vision Analytical Lab Services for your particle characterization requirements.  This for is to be used by new customers and will be used to establish a working account with Vision Analytical.  Please fill this form out as accurately as possible.  If you have any questions, please contact us at or at 305-801-7140.

    Company Information

    Company Details

    Order Placement Preferences/Instructions

    If Purchase Orders are preferred:

    3. Who should we contact with any inquiries regarding the PO? (i.e. amount discrepancies, expiration, terms, etc.)

    Accounts Payable Information
    PLEASE NOTE: All invoices will be sent via email. Vision Analytical's payment terms are Net 30.


    Please provide any additional information you'd like us to know here.

    Please provide the name, email and phone number of the person completing this form below.