Dynamic Image Analysis is a direct measurement technique that has become more and more common as a Quality Control tool for raw materials in numerous industries. For many years, particle size analysis has used indirect measurement techniques where certain aspects of particles are measured, but not size. Laser Diffraction, for example, is an indirect measurement technique where the angle of diffracted light from a particle population is measured. This, and other indirect measurement techniques render size assuming that particles are round or spherical. Of course, as many people have come to realize, not all industrial particles are round.
Dynamic Image Analysis is a direct measurement technique that gives not only particle size information but also many shape parameters about every particle. The ability of understanding Shape, not just Size, has enabled industry to better understand and control practical manufacturing aspects such as……….
Circulariy & Smoothness –
- To better understand the separation and compaction of a mixed sample.
- To monitor the crystallization growth process or the dissolution process and rates.
Opacity –
- To better differentiate population differences in a sample.
- Ability to differentiate, identify and possibly remove air, water droplets or oil droplets.
With more than 30 shape parameters, a combination of different shape measures can be used to make determinations about raw materials in a way that other size-only systems cannot.
To learn more about how Dynamic Image Analysis works, please click here
Historical Analytical Limitations:
Historically, all analytical instrumentation was centrally located in a Quality Control laboratory. This was always done due to the complexity of the equipment and the inability to have such high quality / sensative analylitical instrumentation in remote locations due to transportation and environmental issues.
This limitation results in the need to collect samples in the field or the plant, transport them to the main lab where they must sit until analyzed. Once completed, the results are reviewed and decisions can be made regarding the process that is being analyzed. As one can imagine, the delay can be many hours to many days. For some samples, this delay can change the formulation of the sample or condition making the analysis not representative of what is happening in the field real-time.
Cyrystalization and dissolution, for example, are proccesses that need monotiring in real-time. In addition, the inability to make fast decisions on raw material processes causes down-time and can result in scrap of materials being produced while waiting for sample results.
Having a means of taking measurements at-line in real-time and being able to easily make decisions on raw material processes would be ideal, but not commoly seen….Unti Now……
Portable Particle Insight…….the Transportable Analytical Solution:
Full featured particle size and shape analysis that can be used in a laboratory environment and when transported in a ruggedized case. Suitcase style with wheels for carry-on capability enables taking a high resolution particle analyzer anywhere. Having a portable system allows for at-site analysis with remote capabilities.
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How does it Work…
The Portable Particle Insight is designed to operate as a fully functioning Particle Size and Shape Analyzer. It can be used at-lab where high quality data and ease-of-use is a requrement.
It can also be be closed and taken for remote use.
Accessory Kit…
As a portable system, the Portable Particle Insight includes an accessory kit that is housed in a back-pack style case. The many compartments are designed to carry specimen sample collection devices along with other safety items such as gloves, etc.
Samples can be stored here for further analysis at-lab or can be analyzed in the field.
Connectivity & Battery Operation…..
Ability to communicate with a local network is sometimes a requirement. As an at-line instrument, the Portable Particle Insight is able to connect to any local area network using WiFi.
This enables the storgage of data on network drives, transfering of information from the Particle Insight to any other use and even allows for remote access to operate and monitor the Particle Insight.
Go where there is no WiFi Connecton or power? Not a problem……………